these were taken few weeks ago with marissa's huge polaroid. went for dimsum at crystal jade at holland village.
friday 21st jan.
AYAM BUAH KELUAK FOR DINNER. buah keluak are some kind of nuts. they're actually poisonous. so normally before they are being sold at the market, they have to be bury-ed under ground for months to neutralise the poison in them. scary. anyway, they look like this. oh and in order to get the buah keluak out of its shell easily, you have to soak them for maybe a week.
then you use a sharp knife and cut them open. but only make a tiny opening just to get the filling out.
you have to taste eat nut. cause some are very bitter. those very bitter ones cant be eaten cause they're still poisonous! so one bowl for bitter ones and one bowl for the nice ones.
and yknow how they have to be buried underground for a long time, so they somewhat "ferment" (not sure if thats the right word to use) and they release some gas. so when you cut the shell open, the gas is released out. and omg, one of them exploded cause the pressure in it was too high. it exploded all over the walls and ceiling! :O
and we keep the shells cause we need to use them later again.
once you've taken everything out of their shells, you have to pound them cause some of the fillings are not smooth and very hard. but the longer you soak them, the softer they'll be.
then you mix the pounded buah keluak with minced pork. 1:2 ratio. 1 to minced pork, 2 to buah keluak.
then you stuff the mixed pork and buah keluak filling back into their shells. and coat the opening with egg white so the filling wont leak out when its cooking.
we cooked it with chicken in gerang asam. i didnt stay for dinner to taste it cause i went to meet glenn!
went to black angus steakhouse for dinner. steaks there are goooood. shared a combo of ribeye and salmon.
met him for breakfast the next day at toa payoh. was so excited to try the famous teochew handmade toa payoh pau that so many reviews claim to be excellent. i didnt agree thou. i think ghim moh paus are so much better. of course im only comparing the tau sa paus. the tau sa at toa payoh isnt the real black bean kind, its more red bean. and the bread is so thick. and not hot at all. disappointing much. ): i didnt get the satisfaction i usually get after eating ghim moh paus every saturday morning. and i cant believe i didnt go to ghim moh with my parents for breakfast for toa payoh pau. mistake mistake.
see told you its not black!
went to bishan cc after. cause there was a coach and kate spade bag sale there. the queue was super long! i queued like close to 1 and a half hours!

wanted to lunch at marmalade pantry at ion but had to wait so long and i had to pick my sister up so we had lunch at ion basement. old change kee curry puff and takopachi. i love old chang kee curry puffs! but glenn and i think the size of them decreased!! like last time it was way bigger and more satisfying. inflation caused the deflation in size of curry puffs ):
went supermarketing after and picked ben and marissa up from town. and headed to old seletar airbase for dinner!! sunset grill and bar. the level 30 hot and spicy chicken wing place! pictures are with maris. will post them when she uploads them. we had level 5 and glenn was perspiring ahaha. lasagna with lots of cheese (best i've had so far), fish and chips, and pan fried fish (we actually wanted hamburger but they ran out :/) and the godzilla mudpie was sold out too. ):

sunday 23rd jan.
singapore flyer with glenn! (: had some one for one singapore flyer coupon from macdonalds.
thank goodness we went in a different capsule as...
lunch at suntec MOF!
i had salmon bibimbap (Y). glenn had terriyaki chicken with egg. and we shared mochi with red bean paste and soya bean powder. not bad lah.
we love auntie anne's pretzel!
went to marina barrage after to fly kites! (:
i love this picture!!
we lost one of our kites ): it was like the $25 kite. the damn huge one. im sorry baby ): but we found two more kites. hahaha.
sent him home after and zi char after with family. i used at least one whole tank of petrol in just saturday and sunday. was damn scared driving back home alone with bearly under 1/8 of a tank of petrol left. :s
oh oh i learnt how to solve a rubix cube!!! i know im damn slow cause everyone was trying to learn that in like jc but i finally managed to do it!!! hehhh.
met jamie on tuesday at marina suntec funan city hall raffles place area. we went shopping. tried so many clothes but bought none. cause i dont think they're worth it. cotton on is no longer cheap. in fact i think cotton on prices are really expensive for the quality of their clothes. one t shirt costs $19.95 now no longer $5. and shorts cost $34.95. i wanted a pair of light blue demin shorts and a black cotton high wasited skirt but like it totals to $50 there abouts just for two bottoms. from cotton on?!
hahha was teaching jamie how to solve the rubix cube. she was so amazed that she could complete one side!
okay today is a rainy wednesday. and im going to cook dinner for my family! roast chicken, rocket salad and parmesan cheese, mushroom soup and cod fish fingers (:
oh oh and i got a new camera from my daddy!! cause i was complaining how my old one isnt sharp at all and the memory card is screwed up. thank you daddy love it alot! canon ixus 300 hs. its the same one my brother has. takes damn sharp pictures i like!
i had a terrible dream last night!! i dreamt that my flight back to perth was in 3 hours time and i havent even packed yet! or showered or changed and i was still watching tv. and my father was screaming at me to go cause he was going to send me to the airport. and i havent even checked in. and i panicked and asked my sister to throw in whatever clothes from my wardrobe into my luggage omg. terrible terrible dream. i better start packing early. only 26 days left!? whattt.
and soon it'll be the weekend again yayyy! and before you know it, CHINESE NEW YEAR. YUSHENGYUSHENGYUSHENGGGGGG. LOVE RAW FISHHHHH. ESP SALMON.
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