Wednesday, October 26, 2011

november is soon. bcm is soon. i can do this.

when you need time, time flies. when you're anticipating holidays to hurry come, the minute hand just seems to take hours to move.

i've been busy. well, but very busy. exams on monday. then 12th, 15th 16th. then all done. family's coming on the 18th! cant wait! :) and then i'll be flying back on the 24th. shall use these dates to motivate me.

im really so blessed to have such a great family with supportive parents and the best boyfriend ever who's always there for me by my side, ever so patient, loving and understanding, despite me pushing him away at times and getting so ridiculously easily frustrated and emotional. i love them all very very dearly. Thank you God, for blessing me with such people in my life.

and by the way, im missing my friends back home very much. ): each and every single one of them. vanna, if you're reading this, i know we havent been communicating much, but i think about you every single day and i miss you and love you very much. i hope you're well. and im sorry i'll be missing your 20th ): i especially especially hate it that i always miss your birthday, shihui's (omg esp when its her 21st ): ) and aly's jo's maris's ying's aloy's omg everyone lah. ): this will only be temporary promise. a couple more years.

okay back to reality. back to studies. back to nerd mode. bye.