last week was uwa orientation week and this week's st cat's orientation week! st cats is the hostel im staying at! the food here is yummy! (but sometimes they have not nice food too).
school started this week and omg it was such a headache bidding/preferencing for lessons and doing up my timetable! seriously. i think the people in singapore uni are having just as tough of a time as i had. and everything is accessed through the internet in uni! like tests, quizes, assignments, announcements, lecture notes and all. EVERYTHING is online. its like the teacher wont tell you that you have an assignment, you just have to go check whether you have or not. quite troublesome sometimes. but i have to get used to being independent here. unlike all the spoonfeeding in singapore that im so used to.
anyway, the weather is really nice here! except maybe at nights it can get abit cold. and especially when it rains and when the wind blows. and the rain here is damn weird. its like it can rain for 2 mins and stop and rain again for 4 mins and stop.

okay today's activity for the night is karaeok (spelling?) and bubble tea at north bridge.
oh and i had beef horfun today at broadway, damn shiok seriously.
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