hee i havent updated for so long i knowwww. (:
glenn was supposed to book out on fridayyyy but everyone kena confined in the end cause the weather was bad and they ran out of time to complete their schedule! so he was supposed to book out saturday instead. BUT. some stupid guy lost a part of his rifle during their 16 km march and the whole company had to go find it. !!! so my saturday morning/afternoon was freeee.
went to meet andrew for lunch at jurong point. toys story 3! i like barbie and kent!!!! so cute togetherrr. but kent abit full of himself uh. and his clothes.
met bb for dinner after!!! we had bk at ion. i feel as though i've been eating so much fast food ever since bb went into army. cause all he eats everyday is cai fan so when he books out he feels like eating like macs and all that kind. FAST FOOD EVERY WEEK = TRANSFAT + FAT FAT FAT. TER.
SUNDAY WAS FATHER'S DAY!! had nasi pandang for lunch super nom nom nom. omg why do i keep talking about food. :s and steamboat for dinner!!!
oh and i finally asked my mum to get magnum gold! its in the freezer now still have yet to try it! sea salt caramel. (y)/(n)? IS THERE SUCH THING AS (n) ?
i've started my packing already!!!! ONLY THREE WEEKS LEFT ): OH NO. TIME'S PASSING SO FASTTTTT. dont likeeee. i vacummed packed all the bulky stuff today. still need to get more ziplocks plus stationery and socks.
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